Page name: Italians UNITE [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-25 18:52:30
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Questo è il luogo dove gli italiani possono unirsi e parlare del loro patrimonio ed essere anti-americani se vivono in quel luogo di MERDA. Qui possono mettere in mostra i loro veri colori... che sono di certo il verde, il bianco, e il rosso!

This is the place where Italians can unite and talk about their heritage and be un-american if they live in that SHIT hole. Also this is where they can show off their true colors... which are of course green, white, and red!!




all right you guys this page is seriously lacking in our moral lets show our true colors GREEN, WHITE, RED!


1. [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble] - No shit, I started it hee hee

2. [ItalianViolinist] - Il Violinista di Ragazza da Trieste

3.[Rainy~Day] VIVA LA ITALIA!

4.[Brookes <a target="_blank" href="">Sex</a>y Juggalo]hey if ur 50 percent italian dose that still make u italian lolol just play viva la italia

5.[MajinBu] 100% true italian lol and still living there :P

6.[Avacynrei] 95% Italian^_^

7.[f8cfaf3] Orgoglio Italiano!

8.[Lord Balmung of the Azure Sky] IM ITALIAN AND PROUD!!!

9. [PsychoticBliss] dont mess with the italians man! we're from the mafia!

10.[LisaLola.] I just added myself 'cause I really love Italy! Feels like it is my country! my grandmother is Italian!

11.[Oh! Its a Riot xx] .. yey

12.[BrokenPromise7x] Italians are awesome

13.[connor's left elftown] my dad's side is italian! and im going next summer !!

14. [*Clause Patent*] booya bitches i'm 50 % italian and lovin it!! and i love the banners by the way...fucking awesome

15. [bellatrix lestrange] I plan on <a target="_blank" href="">moving</a> to Italy as soon as possible, I heart all things Italian!

16. [lusci0uz X playmate] HELL YEAH IM ITALIAN!!!! *dances around* ITALIANS ROCK!!!!

17. [xXxerinxXx -pure sex-] I LOVE ITALIANS!!! lol what more can i say.....

18 . [me matas]my last name is Colonna what else would i fucking be?

19. [Bearer of the Black Sword]

20. [Human Casualties] Italians rock im one! and everyone here

21. [blue_is_true] im italian and many other things to i love italy its one of my fav countries i love bein italian

22. [Prater] Italian on father's side...

23. [Snowflame] I'm quarter Italian..does that still count?

24.[robsalvatore2]italians are the best and i love being italian

25.[kathryn's amante]

26.[CanUKeepUp]i love being Italian and there bois are yummie

27.[Dulce et Decorum Est™] w00t w00t italians rule!! 100% here!!!

28. [Hermes322]

29[buttmunch17]my mommys italian and my dad is indian am i still considered italian?

30. [Gone Away Deleted Poof] Italians own you! Viva La Italy!!!

31. [scythebearer] i'll make you an offer you can't refuse!

32. [Firelord]bho...i'm italian...

33. [Nicolai Antredias] Proud of my Italian Heritage.

34.[Sharp leaf] Viva l'italia!!!

35.[Life's A Bitch Be Its Pimp] my mum iz italian and my dad is egyptian??

36. [WolfBrethren] been a long time sice i wrote in italian. can some one check this for me? (Non sapere ciò che dire cosí che ritornerò a lei su ciò.)

37. [Oomnomnom] I'm 25% Italian on my dad's side, and I'm very proud of it!

38. [Tawnee.] Italians ROCK!

39. [Anda] Full Italian and a green card in the U.S. Weird, neh?

40. [Sacro Zitella] Italian Represent, what else is there to say?^^

41. [blue cavalier]

Username (or number or email):


2004-10-21 [MajinBu]: woa woa what did i miss?? *looks confused*

2004-10-21 [f8cfaf3]: <img:> what do you think?

2004-10-21 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: FUCKING AWESOME

2004-10-22 [f8cfaf3]: and there you have it.. another banner that'll last forever.. i love unlimited bandwith.. 1200 KB image uploads.. and images don't ever get deleted as long as you keep viewing it..

2004-10-22 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: THANK YOU!!!! GRAZIE!!! GRAZIE!!!

2004-10-22 [f8cfaf3]: hehe your welcome.. ^^.. somehow everyone loves the banners i make for wikis.. it's weird... but hey.. as long as they love them and are happy.. i'm good..

2004-10-22 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: who wouldnt love them they're effin awesome man

2004-10-22 [f8cfaf3]: lol iunno.. here's a banner i did for my lil sis's fanclub <img:> ([Oh! Its a Riot xx])

2004-10-22 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: damn that lettering is sweet dude

2004-10-22 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: omg look at this my friend boston said: "Why do italians have their olive oil glasses so long? So they can stick their comb in it! ... greasy motherfuckers..."     "why don't italians have zits? Because they slide right off!!! .... greasy mother fuckers."      "Why did god invent neclaces? so italians know when to cut their beard!! .. hairy mother fuckers......"

2004-10-22 [f8cfaf3]: that's not fucking cool.. your friend is a bitch.. they're a fucking idiot..

2004-10-22 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: yeah well see   he puts up with my shit i put up with his shit. hes an asshole but hes been there for me through so much and i love him so much that i cant be all "IMMA FUCKIN KILL YOU" over that shit

2004-10-22 [f8cfaf3]: heh.. I put up with so much shit.. if i was there.. grr.. you don't wanna know.. I'd fucking slice his throat open for that.. grr.. *goes outside to walk for a while to calm down*

2004-10-22 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: i hop eoyu have fun on your walk!!!!!

2004-10-22 [f8cfaf3]: well.. i'm back.. went for a walk.. then came back... bench pressed.. then now i'm here.. sort of calmed down and still pissed..

2004-10-22 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: do you think i should delete that comment before the other fellow italians see what he said?

2004-10-22 [f8cfaf3]: I already showed a few other fellow italians.. so it's already a little too late..

2004-10-22 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: oh well   boston can be a butthead

2004-10-22 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: omg this is fucking freaky-- - lmao

2004-10-22 [KillerQueen]: thats salad fingers...go to my friends salad fingers wiki!!

2004-11-02 [me matas]: meow ok!!!!!!

2004-11-02 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: that's jsut weird okay just weird lol

2004-11-02 [me matas]: ???

2004-11-02 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: that friggin salad shit

2004-11-02 [KillerQueen]: i just a member of the site coz its my friends

2004-11-03 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: lol i like it though lol

2004-11-03 [KillerQueen]: oh ok then...

2004-11-03 [me matas]: im a memeber of this site cause im itallian

2004-11-03 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: yeah yeah hell yeah!!!

2004-11-03 [KillerQueen]: yey....

2004-11-05 [me matas]: tee heemeow

2004-11-05 [KillerQueen]: puuurrrrr meow

2004-11-05 [me matas]: ** purs **

2004-11-05 [short_black_rose]: im italian

2004-11-06 [KillerQueen]: thats're in the right place

2004-11-06 [me matas]: tee hee!!! were all italian!!!!

2004-11-07 [KillerQueen]: hahaha....REALLY??

2004-11-07 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: hope you guys like the banner lol

2004-11-07 [f8cfaf3]: it's rad.. although the maximum banner size is 300 x 300.. that's what [Hedda] says anyway..

2004-11-07 [f8cfaf3]: that's why I couldn't really do much.. on mines.. it sucks ass..

2004-11-07 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: hedda can kiss my ass!! lol jk. i dont even know what a hedda is. well i will try to lower it or whatever

2004-11-07 [f8cfaf3]: lolz hedda is the creator of Elftown and what he says goes.. hehe.. i'm trying to make it smaller myself but it looks so shitty.. hehe you did alot of simple techniques on it..

2004-11-07 [me matas]: does anyone here like the band eve 6?

2004-11-07 [f8cfaf3]: nope not me..

2004-11-07 [me matas]: tee he\

2004-11-07 [KillerQueen]: who are they?

2004-11-08 [me matas]: there an alternative rock band

2004-11-08 [KillerQueen]: interesting..

2004-11-08 [me matas]: youve never herd of them?? what state do you live in?

2004-11-08 [KillerQueen]: im from australia

2004-11-08 [me matas]: o0o that would be why then... o0o well!!!!

2004-11-08 [KillerQueen]: you like the darkness

2004-11-08 [me matas]: yesh i think there so funky that you cant help but like them!

2004-11-08 [KillerQueen]: yay...then go to my wiki please The Darkness Rock

2004-11-08 [me matas]: o0o ok

2004-11-08 [KillerQueen]: yay

2004-11-08 [me matas]: tee hee i like it

2004-11-08 [KillerQueen]: YAY...i love them

2004-11-08 [me matas]: tee hee i dont really love them i just think there songs are catchy. but i wouldent but there cd.

2004-11-08 [me matas]: no offense

2004-11-08 [KillerQueen]: thats fine..none taken

2004-11-08 [me matas]: tee hee ^_*

2004-11-08 [KillerQueen]: *dances about*

2004-11-08 [me matas]: ** runs around screaming " ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts"**

2004-11-08 [KillerQueen]: im going now...its 2 in the afternoon and i havent eaten a thing...

2004-11-08 [me matas]: o0o tee hee ok bye bye ** huggies**

2004-11-12 [KillerQueen]: finally home after 2 days...woot woot

2004-11-13 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: I HAVE AN IMPORTANT QUERY. I don't think I should be the leader of this wiki anymore, because I don't get on E.T. that much. I am recommending poppytart take it over. All in favor of this, say RED WINE!

2004-11-13 [me matas]: i dont wan to say it cause i think your a great leader!

2004-11-13 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: lol i barely been here lol

2004-11-14 [me matas]: dont care still great!!!

2004-11-14 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: lol thank ya though

2004-11-14 [me matas]: tee hee your welcome!

2004-11-24 [me matas]: ok its been a verylong itme since i been here and noones been talking!

2004-11-24 [KillerQueen]: me too

2004-11-25 [me matas]: tee hee meow

2004-11-25 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: I HATE PEOPLE WHO CALL ME A DEGO OR A WOP!

2004-11-25 [KillerQueen]: whats a dego/ it like wog?

2004-11-26 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: whats wog?  wop and dego are like derogatory names for italians.

2004-11-26 [me matas]: o0o .. ive never herd that .. but ppl just call me pasta lovers or low class.. and dirty..

2004-11-26 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: yeah they say stuff like greaseball and someone called me a hairy motherfucker when he has hair growing out of his fucking neck. :P

2004-11-27 [KillerQueen]: wog is used like wop..europeans and middle eastern people are used to be mean but now even the wogs call themselves wogs...we make light of the situation...

2004-11-28 [me matas]: yeah..

2004-11-28 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: i call myself a wop-lol

2004-11-30 [KillerQueen]: lol

2004-12-01 [me matas]: i just say im italian!!!

2004-12-01 [KillerQueen]: lol

2004-12-02 [me matas]: tee hee!

2004-12-02 [KillerQueen]: tee hee hee...why did i say that

2004-12-02 [me matas]: i dont know? wh ydo you?

2004-12-03 [KillerQueen]: i dont know...LOL

2004-12-03 [me matas]: meow!!! ha ha ha mee niehtER1

2004-12-03 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: niehtER1  <--- lol happyclown what is that lol

2004-12-04 [KillerQueen]: im guessing it says neither...?

2004-12-04 [me matas]: yeah!! hah i suck at typing!!

2004-12-04 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: lolol thats funny.

2004-12-05 [me matas]: i know!!!

2004-12-05 [KillerQueen]: dw...i enjoyed your typing disaster

2004-12-05 [me matas]: he he

2004-12-05 [KillerQueen]: i'll make a mistake too so you dont feel bad....i love being 1tlioa9m

2004-12-05 [me matas]: he he !!

2004-12-09 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: my friend didnt know what a yoda was. AHAHAHAHHA!!

2004-12-09 [KillerQueen]: yoda...isnt it the little guy from star wars

2004-12-10 [me matas]: yeah!!! yoda is the master!!!

2004-12-13 [KillerQueen]: i thought so...

2004-12-13 [me matas]: yeayh

2004-12-13 [me matas]: yeayh!!!!

2004-12-13 [KillerQueen]: yeayh??

2004-12-16 [me matas]: yeah!!!! he he

2004-12-16 [KillerQueen]: whats with the typos on this wiki...LOL

2004-12-16 [me matas]: i dont know!

2004-12-16 [KillerQueen]: lol..dang i have to go soon

2004-12-16 [me matas]: ok

2005-03-07 [KillerQueen]: woah...this thing has been quiet!

2005-03-07 [me matas]: yeah i know!! where the fuck are all my italian peeps?

2005-03-09 [KillerQueen]: who knows....maybe theyve been whacked!!??

2005-03-09 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: Hey guys... I'm really sorry for not responding to a lot of the messages and talking with you guys, I feel awful, but our internet is really slow since we got DSL for some reason and I'm not online that much, and I would feel bad if I was still in-charge of this wiki page. So, the first person to volunteer, go ahead and take leadership of the page. You guys are the best bunch of wops ever! ...And I mean that very affectionately.

2005-03-09 [me matas]: yey! **huggles** dude can i take leader ship?

2005-03-09 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: Be my guest! Bon voyage! =D

2005-03-10 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: <img:> u guys should make a banner with <--- that in it... it would be awsome

2005-03-12 [sleet3]: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whats up

2005-03-12 [Hermes322]: LOL

2005-03-13 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: ?

2005-03-14 [KillerQueen]: i_throw_poo...thats the funniest username EVER

2005-03-15 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: :( i feal so jk....thx i have been told that MANY of times...but oh well i dont give the f***

2005-03-17 [KillerQueen]: i know you do... :)

2005-03-22 [me matas]: all right!!!

2005-03-22 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: lol

2005-03-22 [me matas]: i love that picture though!

2005-03-22 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: which one?

2005-03-23 [KillerQueen]: the planes one is fabo

2005-03-23 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: fabo?

2005-03-23 [suss]: fab/ul/o/us/ maybe ?

2005-03-23 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: lol hahha

2005-03-23 [suss]: fun?

2005-03-23 [suss]: To the banner master: if you made that banner in the top ... say 50 px smaller it would fit in the top of the window for ppl with the most common screen resolution..... as it is now its below the side menu which may be a bit annoying? (I dont know, perhaps thats the intention?)

2005-03-23 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: ?

2005-03-28 [me matas]: wow.. that was a lot of technological mumbo jumbo!!!

2005-03-28 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: yep

2005-03-30 [KillerQueen]: hahaha...yes that is what fabo means...guess what...IM GOING TO SEE PAOLA AND CHIARA!!!! woot woot

2005-03-30 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: ?

2005-04-03 [KillerQueen]: they are italian singers!!

2005-04-03 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: oh...ok

2005-04-03 [KillerQueen]: some italian you joking!!

2005-04-03 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: lol im italian but i dont know italian or alot about it my paretns rarly talk in itlaian it sucks

2005-04-04 [me matas]: yeah i never learned italian either.. you know living in america and all.. does anyone here like lacuna coil? ther also italian rock

2005-04-04 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: nope do they sing it italian?

2005-04-05 [KillerQueen]: im also seeing umberto tozzi...he is there with them!

2005-04-05 [me matas]: no english...

2005-04-06 [KillerQueen]: i dont think so

2005-05-24 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: so....

2005-05-25 [KillerQueen]: hahha...this is so lame...anyway...i have 2 weeks to go till the concert!!

2005-05-25 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: ya its ones have fun

2005-05-25 [KillerQueen]: i will!

2005-05-25 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: cool

2005-05-25 [KillerQueen]: hha...anyway...what can we talk

2005-05-31 [me matas]: i dont know..... food!!! argh

2005-05-31 [KillerQueen]: AHHHHAHHAHAH....i know...the FRIGGIN SHOW WAS about THAT!

2005-06-01 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: wow im sorry

2005-06-01 [me matas]: meow what show?

2005-06-02 [KillerQueen]: peeved...but i have a different concert on the next night so i dont mind

2005-06-08 [me matas]: well are you still going to the concert?

2005-06-09 [KillerQueen]: no...the italian one was cancelled...but i went to a queen tribute show...that was AWESOME!

2005-06-10 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: cool cool....i had good gelato(spelled wrong) today

2005-06-10 [KillerQueen]: that was spelt right...good good

2005-06-10 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: yay!!!! yep it was strawberry

2005-06-28 [me matas]: i had a one too.. it was lemon.chocolate icecream,lemon,vanilla icecream,and sprinkles!!!

2005-06-29 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: lol awsome

2005-06-29 [KillerQueen]: i want gelato now...dang

2005-06-29 [Dulce et Decorum Est™]: lol haha....if anyone has elfpack there is the same wiki as this there i need some more people to join!!

2005-07-13 [me matas]: hee hee teah i know

2005-07-14 [KillerQueen]: i never go there that my beloved elftown is well again

2005-07-14 [me matas]: lol!!!

2005-07-14 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: yeah i never did join elfpack

2005-07-15 [KillerQueen]: i joined it...but hardly ever go back..

2005-07-15 [me matas]: i never joined either

2005-09-16 [KillerQueen]: this wiki is dead

2005-09-16 [me matas]: yeah i know.. i dont know what to do with it....

2005-09-17 [KillerQueen]: lets have a festa!

2005-10-11 [Firelord]: che state a di'?

2005-11-11 [Furor Scribendi]: uh, does Sicilian constitute as Italian???

2005-11-11 [Firelord]: yes

2005-11-11 [KillerQueen]: yeh im sicilian

2005-11-12 [Firelord]: davvero?

2005-11-12 [KillerQueen]: si!

2005-11-12 [Firelord]: non ci sei nella lista

2005-11-12 [KillerQueen]: omg..i never noticed!

2005-12-01 [me matas]: im sicilian too!

2005-12-01 [KillerQueen]: wooot...we so rock

2005-12-03 [me matas]: lol we do do we?

2005-12-03 [KillerQueen]: indeed

2006-03-29 [me matas]: meow1

2006-04-10 [iippo]: I'm very sorry to burst in like this, I hope you don't mind... but a language student is in need of some help. She's made a questionnaire online for her project and needs Italian people to answer it. So if any of you could help her out, I'd be ever so grateful. :) The questionnaire can be found in

2006-05-17 [me matas]: it's ok


2006-07-10 [KillerQueen]: ITALIA! ITALIA! i didnt even watch one match LOL

2007-08-07 [Ludwig van Beethoven]: Can I join? Can I join!? I already love this page!

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